1. In Teams of 4 (If possible - 2 Women & 2 Men)
For time -
75 x Back squats 40kg
50 x Pull-ups
25 x Shoulder-to-overhead 40kg
75 x Front squats 30kg
50 x Pull-ups
25 x Shoulder-to-overhead 30kg
75 x Overhead squats 20kg
50x Pull-ups
25 x Shoulder-to-overhead 20kg
Swap places
75 x Back squats 60kg
50 x Pull-ups
25 x Shoulder-to-overhead 60kg
75 x Front squats 40kg
50 x Pull-ups
25 x Shoulder-to-overhead 40kg
75 x Overhead squats 30kg
50 x Pull-ups
25 x Shoulder to overhead 30kg
2 Team members will perform the movements while the other 2 Team Members hold the bar as a human rack, then swap at half way with increased loads. Where possible. (normal scaling will apply to individual team members where needed) If the bar being used is dropped the team must stop work for 1 minute as a penalty.
"30 Minute Cut off"
"Standards and Workout Demo"