Head Coach and Director - Jamie Johnson

Jamie Johnson has had a wealth of experience with managing all things from major business units for wealthy corporate businesses to his beloved family.

Jamie has been involved with training and understanding elite training ideologies since he was a young Man playing senior grade Rugby League for the Sydney Roosters nearly 18 years ago. He has experienced and coached many conditioning methodologies, however, none of those have changed his, his Loved ones and those of the people he trains more so than CrossFit.

Jamie will give you the training tools, compassion and care that everyone needs to achieve their fitness goals, because CrossFit has transformed his life more than any could imagine...

Through years of strenuous and incorrect training methods in his sporting career, Jamie has suffered from a long list of injuries which include broken limbs, degenerative arthritis in his hips, knees and shoulders; and of course severe muscle tissue damage to his lower back..... He had come to the conclusion that injuries as such were just part and parcel for a retired and ageing Rugby League player.......

That was until he discovered the functional genius of the CrossFit Methodology.

You can read more about the science of CrossFit on the "What is CrossFit" page, however there is no greater proof for what it can do than what you will see it has done for the head coach by way of rehabilitation and restoring his fitness and strength levels to that which surpass the ones he had when he was 21.

There will be no list of all the great things Jamie has done on this profile, just testimony for what he believes he can do for you.........change your life by ensuring your health and happiness goals are not only achieved, but surpassed.. Contact us now for your first session allocation.

Picture above taken at CrossFit Attitude.

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